Acta Albaruthenica N°12/2012
Journal N°12/2012 [pdf;2,7mB]
- 11 Aleksander BARSZCZEWSKI, The émigré researcher Uladzimer Hlybinny – debunker of Stalinist crimes
- 17 Iryna BURDELJOVA, Provocative strategies in Yanka Kupala’s poetry
- 25 Mikalaj KHAUSTOVICH, Folklore in Belarusian literature of the first half of the 19th century
- 45 Mikalai KHMIALNITSKI, Belarusian memoirs of Ryszard Kapuściński
- 57 Liya KISIALIOVA, „Third areas” of Belarusian literature: Pilip Smoury and others
- 67 Elena KORSHUK, The Unity of Man and Nature as a Salient Feature of Belarusian
- 75 Anzhela MELNIKAVA, Issues of national identity in the journalistic writings of Vaclau Lastouski
- 91 Nina BARSZCZEWSKA, Migrations and Belaruso-Baltic linguistic relations
- 99 Jadwiga GŁUSZKOWSKA-BABICKA, Language interference in place names in north-eastern Poland
- 123 Agnieszka GORAL, The syntax of newspaper headings in Polish and Belarusian press (a comparison of „Gazeta Wyborcza” and „Nasha Niva”)
- 133 Olga GOUCHTCHEVA, Language attitudes in the setting of Russo-Belarusian bilingualism
- 151 Uladzimir LIANKEVICH, Reasons for code switching in informal communication (based on recordings of the speech of young adults)
- 165 Tatsiana RAMZA, Colloquial Belarusian: analytical criteria
- 173 Michał SAJEWICZ, Monosyllabic abbreviated forms of first names used in eastern Podlasie in the 16th and 17th centuries
- 183 Magdalena FRĄCZEK, Adam Honory Kirkor – introdution to the present state of research
- 199 Volha SHATALAVA, „Locked out in rural areas”: the social and living space of Belarusian peasantry in the 19th and 20th centuries
- 211 Aliaksandr YERASHEVICH, Material losses suffered by Belarus in the war of 1812. Problems of record-keeping and valuation
- 225 Józef ZIEMCZONOK, The activity of Jean Emmanuel Gilibert in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania between 1775 and 1783
- 245 Iryna AHEYEVA, Between kitsch and artistry: humour and irony in A. Khadanovich’s works
- 251 Volha LIAUCHUK, The stereotype of the Jews in the Polish-Belarusian-Lithuanian borderland (based on field studies in Braslavsky, Postavsky and Svislochsky regions)
- 261 Brasławszczyzna. Pamięć i współczesność, pod redakcją Elżbiety Smułkowej, t. 1, Historia regionu. Charakterystyka socjolingwistyczna. Świadectwo mieszkańców; t. 2, Słownictwo dwujęzycznych mieszkańców rejonu (Słownik brasławski)
(Nina BARSZCZEWSKA) - 267 Л.П. Баршчэўскі, Беларуска-польскі размоўнік-даведнік
(Radosław KALETA) - 270 І.М. Запрудскі, Па дарозе на Парнас. Атрыбуцыйныя даследаванні і пытанні рэцэпцыі беларускай літаратуры ХІХ стагоддзя
(Mikalaj KHAUSTOVICH) - 274 Альгерд Бахарэвіч, Малая мэдычная энцыкляпэдыя Бахарэвіча
(Małgorzata WOJCIECHOWSKA-ZAJĄC) - 277 About Authors