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In terms of good practices and principles of publication ethics, the Editorial Board follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):


In order to facilitate the cooperation of authors and reviewers with the editorial board of the Acta Albaruthenica journal, we are publishing the main ethical principles that direct our activities.

Authorship policy

An author may submit only original texts for publication. The research and/or information of other researchers used in the publication should be marked to indicate that it is a citation. All articles sent to Acta Albaruthenica are checked through the iThenticate anti-plagiarism system. Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or falsification of data are unacceptable.

Authors submitting multi-authored texts for publication are obliged to disclose the contribution of individual authors to its creation (including the authors’ affiliations and information on who is the author of the concepts, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. applied in the creation of the text).

Hostwriting and guest authorship are considered scientific misconduct and any detected cases will be uncovered, including the notification of relevant entities, such as institutions employing the author, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc. Buying or selling the authorship of scientific works, regardless of whether they have been accepted for publication, is unacceptable.

The procedure in case of suspicion of plagiarism, autoplagiarism, data falsification, hostwriting and guest authorship is as follows:


Principle of equal treatment

Race, gender (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, religion, origin, citizenship, age, marital or parental status, disability, and political beliefs of the authors do not affect the assessment of the texts in any way. Texts are evaluated only in terms of their content.

Principle of compliance with legal and ethical requirements in relation to authors participating in research.


Prevention of conflicts of interest

Unpublished texts, confidential information and ideas must be  kept secret and may not be used by the editorial staff of the journal or any other person participating in the publishing process without the written consent of the authors. Authors, reviewers, and editors are obliged to disclose conflicts of interest.

Information for Authors

(valid from the 20th number of the yearly publication “Acta albaruthenica”)

Rules for the preparation of articles and reviews for the yearly publication “Acta Albaruthenica”

  • Acta Albaruthenica” editors accept for publication scientific articles previously unpublished in the field of Belarusian studies (literature and language). The file should be named as follows: surname_ the first two or three words of the article title.
  • Acta Albaruthenica” publishes materials in Polish, Belarusian and English.
  • The sent texts should be written on a standard text editing program, preferably in the latest versions of MS Word for Windows. The text should be prepared with automatic hyphenation turned off. Font format: Cambria, size: 12, line spacing: 1.5.
  • Article layout:
  1. Author (name and surname): in the original language, in the case of Eastern alphabets also in English (according to the passport transcription).
  2. Affiliation: in Polish and in English.
  3. E-mail address (to be published with the article).
  4. ORCID code.
  5. The title in the original language, English, Polish, Belarusian (if Polish or Belarusian is the language of the original, it appears in the first position).
  6. Article text
  7. References
  8. Abstracts (approx. 800 characters) and keywords (5-7) in English, Polish and Belarusian.
  • For book reviews: above the text, we include a headline (in bold) referring to the reviewed work [name and surname of the author of the reviewed work, title of the work (italics), publisher, place, year of publication, and number of pages]. Below the text, we write the name and surname of the review’s author (in italics on the right) and their e-mail address.
  • For conference reports: above the text, we place the title of the conference (text font), place and time of its organization (day, month, year). Below the text, we provide the name and surname of the report’s author (in italics on the right) and their e-mail address.
  • Along with the text (as an auxiliary file) the following data about the author should be submitted: name and surname, title and academic degree, place of work (university or other institution, department, function, workplace address), e-mail (preferably working address), address for correspondence, scientific specialization, scientific interests and a list of all articles by the author from the last 2 years. By submitting their personal data, the author agrees to make them public, both in print and in electronic form.
  • The article/review should be accompanied by a Statement (downloadable at the bottom of the page), which must be signed by the author’s hand. The completed and signed statement can be delivered personally to the Department of Belarusian Studies, sent by traditional mail to the Editorial Office’s address, or alternatively, scanned/photographed and send the scan/photo of the original by e-mail to acta.albaruthenica@gmail.com
  • The extension of articles should not be less than 0.5 publishing sheets (20,000 characters including spaces) or more than 1 publishing sheet (40,000 characters including spaces). The extension of posted reviews and reports should be of up to 8,000 characters.
  • Quotations up to three lines of text are enclosed in quotation marks (without italics), longer quotes are distinguished by indentation (applies to the entire quote), using a font of 10 points; omitted fragments should be marked with three dots in angle brackets; The author’s comments are provided in the form of footnotes (10-point font), entered automatically.
  • In the text, it is allowed to use highlighting, i.e. italics and bold. The titles of the quoted works and articles (in the main text and in footnotes), foreign expressions, and words and expressions that are examples should be written in italics. We reserve bold for titles, terms, and fragments of texts that require distinction.
  • In quotation marks (without italics) we enclose the titles of journals (in the main text and in footnotes).
  • When mentioning the name of an institution, the first time we write the full name with an abbreviation, and the abbreviation should be used in subsequent references.
  • Bibliographic notes about the literature on the subject are to be placed within the text.
  • Texts submitted to the yearly publication “Acta Albaruthenica” should be linguistically correct and prepared in accordance with the requirements specified by the Editorial Board. Texts that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for printing.
  • The author of a publication is responsible for its copyright and publishing rights.


We place footnotes in the main text as follows:

[name, year of publication: pages], e.g. [Александровіч 1971: 15]

[name, year of publication, volume: pages], e.g. [Карскій 1922, III-3: 123]

In the case of more than one work by a given author, published in the same year, additional letters of the alphabet should be added next to the date (e.g., 2019a, 2019b).


The author compiles one list of bibliography (Bibliography, Bibliografia, Бібліяграфія) for the entire work. The order of bibliographic items should be alphabetical, according to the names of the authors or the titles of collective works. Editors of collective works should be marked with an abbreviation in the language consistent with the publication (Ed., Red., Рэд.) Before their surname. The list should only include works that are referred to or cited in the text. Subsequent works should not be numbered/bulleted, each new work should be started with a new paragraph.

Bibliographic items written in Cyrillic characters in the bibliography must be supplemented by the transliterated variant in accordance with PN-ISO 9: 2000. We transliterate automatically at https://www.ushuaia.pl/transliterate/ (PN-ISO 9: 2000 system). The transliterated variant should be followed by the original in square brackets.



Aleksandrovìč Scâpan. 1971Pucâvìny rodnaga slova. Mìnsk: BDU [Александровіч Сцяпан. 1971Пуцявіны роднага слова. Мінск: БДУ].

|||UNTRANSLATED_CONTENT_START|||Encyklopedia kultury polskiej XX wieku. |||UNTRANSLATED_CONTENT_END|||Pojęcia i problemy wiedzy o kulturze. 1991. Red. A. Kłoskowska. Wrocław: Wiedza o Kulturze.

Gìstoryâ belaruskaj lìtaratury XI–XIX stagoddzâǔ u dvuh tamah. 2007. Red. U. Marhelʹ, V. Chamârckì. Mìnsk: Belaruskaâ navuka [Гісторыя беларускай літаратуры ХІ–ХІХ стагоддзяў у двух тамах. 2007. Рэд. У. Мархель, В. Чамярцкі. Мінск: Беларуская навука].

Chapters in monographs

Kìsâlëǔ Genadz. 1994. Kìselʹ Apanas. U: Belaruskìâ pìsʹmennìkì: Bìâbìblìâgrafìčny sloǔnìk u 6 tamah. Minsk: Belaruskaâ èncyklapedyâ [Кісялёў Генадзь. 1994. Кісель Апанас. У: Беларускія пісьменнікі: Біябібліяграфічны слоўнік у 6 тамах. Мінск: Беларуская Энцыклапедыя].

Raźny Anna. 2001.Wiechi – od poszukiwań wolności do zniewolenia totalitarnego. Z doświadczeń inteligencji rosyjskiej. W: Inteligencja. Tradycja         i nowe czasy. Red. H. Kowalska-Stus Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.

Journal articles

Šlûbskì Alâksandr. 1927. Konfìskacyâ PANA TADÈUŠA D.-Marcìnkevìča. “Uzvyšša” № 2: 200–201 [Шлюбскі Аляксандр. 1927. Конфіскацыя ПАНА ТАДЭУША Д.-Марцінкевіча. “Узвышша” № 2: 200–201].

Bruchnalski Wilhelm. 1922. Z “Pamiętników” M. Marksa, witebszczanina. “Lud”   t. XXI: 151.

Archive materials:

Lietuvos valstybės istorijos archyvas, LVIA 1248–2–1497, l. 234–247v (we may also provide the document’s title in addition).

Nacyânalʹny gìstaryčny arhìǔ Belarusì ǔ Grodne, NGA RB u Grodne, f. 1, vop. 22, spr. 1121, ark. 401–418v [Нацыянальны гістарычны архіў Беларусі ў Гродне, НГА РБ у Гродне, ф. 1, воп. 22, спр. 1121, арк. 401–418v].

Online publications:

Genealogia Polaków: Katalog Powstańców Styczniowych [online] https://genealogia.okiem.pl/powstanies/index.php?nazwisko=Piekarski [доступ: 28.09.2019].